Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing, 1 Pound
All you need is a sandwich bag.
1. Tie and pin back any hair. This stuff gets everywhere.
2. Put a scoop of clay into the sandwich bag. Add water or vinegar. Seal out all the air inside the bag and knead it into a smooth paste. Adjust with more clay or water as needed until you get your desired consistency.
3. Partially flip the sandwich bag inside out on your hand, like a glove. Apply the clay to your face with your bag-glove. Your hands don't get dirty and you won't need any additional utensils.
3. Let dry 10-15 min and remove with facial wipes (the pre-moistened kind). Alternatively, you can rinse it out into a basin or bowl, but don't do it into the sink or shower because it'll eventually clog your drains. It's mud.
4. Moisturize. The good thing about this sandwich bag method is that if you have any extra (and I always make too much), you can just keep it in the bag for the next use. You literally bought a jar of dirt off Amazon; don't waste it. Seal out all the air to keep it from drying.
[Protip #1: If you don't wash your hair every day, apply this stuff before you shower on a non-wash day. When you finish, just rinse it off. Time saver!]
[Protip #2: Dried, this stuff looks like boogers. So clean it out extra carefully around your nose to avoid awkward public situations.]
HOORAH. It's clean, it's cheap, and it's easy. And you won't have to throw out a single bit.
As for the review of the product itself, I can't attest to that as well as the other reviewers. I'm several years past my teenage bad-skin era. I use this mask to deep clean my pores around once a week, which it definitely does. This is in additional to cleanser/moisturizer 2x daily + exfoliating every few days so I have consistently good skin. However, the other reviews of this product's effectiveness are stellar, and that's what convinced me to buy. :)