Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Thayers - Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Alcohol-Free Toner - 12 oz.

Thayers - Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Alcohol-Free Toner - 12 oz.




I found this when I was searching for just the right natural pre-wedding skin care routine last year. Of course, I wanted my skin to be healthy and glowing on my wedding day so I did lots of research to find my ideal routine. After some trial and error, I came up with the following products:

1) Dr. Woods Pure Black Soap - use to wash face twice daily

2) Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel - use as toner twice daily

3) Burts Bees Radiance Day Lotion with SPF 15 - use in the a.m.

4) Desert Essence 100% Natural Jojoba Oil - use as moisturizer before bed

5) St. Ives Apricot Scrub Blemish & Blackhead Control - use to gently exfoliate twice a week

6) Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask - use after exfoliating once a week in acne-prone areas only

This combination of products really has given me the best skin of my life. I did get a zit on the day before my wedding, but that was from stress and I don't believe that any products I used could have avoided that. It wasn't huge though so I easily covered it with makeup. Other than that one zit though, my skin looked very nice. Also, after the wedding, I started skimping on my routine and did begin breaking out much more often and lost that healthy glow. Once I started back up with religiously following my routine, my skin is very smooth and nice again.

I love that the Thayers Witch Hazel is credited for providing younger-looking skin. I am only 24 so I can't speak to that, but love knowing that something I use twice everyday is likely going to slow the aging process of my skin.

Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Bio-oil 4.2oz

Bio-oil 4.2oz




I bought this stuff and used up one bottle (lasted about 2 months). At first I used it on my face for hyper-pigmentation and scaring left over from acne and on parts of my body for stretch marks. I ended up getting several huge cystic nodules from it on my face. Also it made my face very greasy and constantly looked wet. So it wasn't good for my face but I decided to keep trying it for stretch marks. I used it diligently for 2 months like it says on the bottle and took before and after pictures. There are no noticeable differences.

I do not want to recommend that people do not buy this product because it seems some people have had great results with it. I googled it and it turns out that bio-oil is made with mineral oil which is a petroleum based byproduct. I did some more digging and learned that contrary to popular belief Mineral oil is not comedogenic (pore clogging) but it does however produce a suffocation effect on your skin and makes it unable to absorb nutrients and to detoxify itself. Which pretty much renders the nutrients in this product useless. There are some pretty bad reviews out there for this stuff made by professionals. Now having said that I will admit that I am no doctor, and I like to think that the people who made this know more about this stuff then I do. After all there has to be something good about it if so many people have had positive results. My advice is sure go ahead and try it, why not. Its cheap. But I would suggest to only use it on your body NOT your face. That area is just too delicate and sensitive and I just wouldn't risk it. Also do not forget to do a patch test first! I cannot stress this enough.

I had some success with fading stretch marks by using a microneedle roller or sometimes called a dermaroller. They are expensive but I bought one off of ebay pretty cheap. Then buy some non oil based and non-comedogenic nutrient serum (I'm currently using babyface products also sold on ebay). The roller and the serum combined has done wonders for me.

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing, 1 Pound

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing, 1 Pound





Wow. Where do I begin. Really, where do I begin. First, let me just say I have dreamed and prayed, literally dreamed of the day I can write a success story of my own in regards to acne. Any acne sufferer has tried hundreds of different products, read thousands of Google searches/reviews/blogs, and experienced an endless amount of frustration, pain, and confusion. I don't use the word embarrassment or humiliation, because you shouldn't be embarrassed nor should you be humiliated if you have acne. I have read thousands of reviews with writers saying they don't want to walk out the door or that they're embarrassed to face the world. You are who you are. These things happen. Acne is normal, it's everywhere. That shouldn't affect who you are as a person. Yes, it can be difficult to face the world. I can relate. But frustration and confusion are the best terms. Frustration because we don't know how to cure it. After trying every given product or method, it just doesn't go away. And confusion because sometimes we have no clue what is going on that causes all that acne.

Now, let me get some facts out of the way. I'm a 21 year old male, college student. I've been suffering from acne for well over 8 years now. About the time I reached 13, obviously because of puberty and the typical growing phases, I was one of the unlucky ones plagued with pretty bad acne. It didn't get worse till about high school, but again high school is a time when we all go through improvements so having acne is not as bad. People get braces and go through other various stages during this time so it's no biggie. But in college, you really expect by about the time you're 18, your acne should be dissipating. And for most it does. But let's face it there will be and always will be a select bunch that still walk around with red spots all over their faces. Don't let that put you down. There are people out there who don't have proper vision, hearing, or worse disabilities. Now, I don't want to go into a pep talk lecture here, so let me get right to it, but I just want you all to know that 1) don't let this acne put you down.. and 2) THIS product will change your life.

Here's the thing, I always read those reviews that say "this product may not work for you as everyone is different". I hate those reviews. That's rubbish. It's crap. It's true but that's the reason I hate it, because it's true. Every product may not work for you. BUT.. THIS product in particular is for everyone and doesn't present different, adverse effects on different skin types. Why might you ask? Well, it's simple. It's 100% pure dirt. Good ol' natural dirt. Literally that's what it is. The reason those OTHER products react differently on different skin types is because those are all products that contain chemicals, and different ones at that. So you can imagine. Obviously everyone's skin will react differently to various chemicals. Some good, some bad. This, however, is pure clay/dirt that will literally dig into the pores and flush out whatever gunk you may have.

Now, I view acne at 3 different levels. Minor, Moderate, Severe. But on each stage there are another 3 levels. In other words, you may have Minor acne but may be on level 1, 2, or 3. A Minor acne sufferer with a level 3 may have worse acne than a minor level 1 and 2, but not as bad as one who would be listed in the Moderate acne stage. Same goes for if you are for example a Moderate acne sufferer but a level 3, you may not be so bad to the point of being a Severe acne sufferer, but in the Moderate stage you are still worse than others. If this makes any sense, I put myself at Moderate acne Level 2 and 3. On rare occasions, I hit Severe level 1 with a deep cyst or two, but haven't experienced that recently. Right now, my face is continuously at a Moderate level 2. Severe acne sufferers are those whose faces are literally clustered with severe red acne on every area of the face. Moderate would be one or two major sections (my two cheeks). Minor acne would be a small area like chin or just nose, or no major breakouts but a few pimples here and there.

So all my life, like every other acne sufferer I have tried any and every acne remedy known to man. I kid you not. In the beginning (in my early teens) stages I tried the basic Neutrogena, Clean&Clear, basic drugstore crap. No effect there. As high school came around, I tried Cetaphil which proved a bit of an improvement, but again no cigar. I tried St.Ives peach apricot scrub for a while and that did some good stuff, but again nothing that could really vastly make an improvement. I tried masks, lemons, honey, yogurt, I mean you name it I tried it all. Don't even mention Benzoyl Peroxide. I tried a 3 step system and it screwed up my face. Anyways as I got to college, I came to face with the fact that I'm just going to have to "let nature run its course'. But still, I couldn't just let my face sit there and use lame cleansers. I can't begin to tell you how many hours I've spent doing acne research.

My freshman year in college, I gave a shot at the AcneFree system and used Benzoyl P. again which again burned my face so I realized I'm allergic to it. For some, it may be useful. Not for a soft sensitive skinned fellow like me. So then I realized I may need to spend some money on high end products. Keep in mind I'm a college guy... I started getting on Sephora and looking at the hundreds of different products they offer. Oh and let me just add that my acne in college was the worst it ever got unfortunately. It seemed like every year from the day I crossed paths with acne, it just got worse and worse. Ok, so back to sephora. Over the span of a year or 2, I spent hundreds of dollars on different products (and I tried each for a few months to give it a true trial)... some worked, some didn't. But I can never tell what products truly "work" because it seemed like every week I would get a few whiteheads and ugly red, swollen pimples. The worst issue about my acne is that I also have serious hyperpigmentation from all the years prior. So I tried things like Bio-oil, hydroquinone, etc.

I tried even more extreme methods like chemical peels, and even spent $750 on a 6 week session of microdermabrasion. The microdermabrasion REALLY improved my right cheek and forehead, and today it's quite clear because of it. But for some reason I still would get major breakouts on my left cheek. After I stopped the microdermabrasion sessions, again my breakouts started coming back (even on the right side and forehead). I tried more stuff like Dennis Gross peel pads and Peter Thomas Roth pads. I can go on and on about the products I tried, but the point is.. none of them made the difference I wanted to see, or prevented breakouts. Best put, preventing breakouts is the ultimate goal. That wasn't happening.

Now to this product. I decided to give this a shot about 3 weeks ago, just because once again desperation led me to another product. Because of the really high reviews and people writing success stories, I was filled with hope. I read one guy's review who mentioned that he's a college student male and puts it on his face every night and isn't even embarrassed because it prevents his acne. I am in the same boat as him. I put this on every night. Sometimes I skip a night, but regardless I get this stuff on my face 5 out of 7 days. Do it at night so that your sleep can recover the skin and in the morning you'll look like a million bucks.

I never thought there would be a miracle product, because we've always been led to believe there really isn't a miracle product. But let me just tell you, THIS IS IT. I kid you not. Like I said, it's not a chemical. Of course no artificial/machine made product is a miracle product, but this fine clay dirt that's been around for centuries is... Oh let me just add I came across a prescribed professional line called M.D. Forte. It's quite pricey. I started using the M.D. Forte III 30% Glycolic Cleanser last December, and it has done wonders for my skin. It's oil free, soap free, and very gentle. Now, every night I cleanse my face with the cleanser and use the mask (I leave it on for about 30 minutes). My skin after feels like a baby's butt. No kidding. Then after the mask, I cool my skin with 100% witch hazel (no alcohol). and moisturize. and Voila. That's it.

Bottom line:

My acne is not 100% diminished, because like I said my skin has taken toll after years and years of acne. It will take time, but I KNOW I KNOW that this is the product that WILL and IS doing that. It is almost May. I will update this review in July and post some before/after pics. My before pics are ridiculous- it really shows how bad my acne has been. I can already tell this product is paving the way for success after 8 years, and hopefully with use of this I will be at ease. I will use this for the rest of my life. No joke. I'm going to really stock up on this stuff. I hope they never stop providing it for us. Right now, any pimple I get is completely halted after a night of this stuff.. even the deep cysts. Let me just warn you, the first week you will breakout. I broke out pretty badly (shows how all the other products never got the gunk out of my skin).. but I kept going because I read on it that it will happen and you should keep going. Week 2 came around and seriously my skin recovered and took the quickest 180 turn, even from how severe week 1 was. Now I'm in week 3, heading into week 4 and I don't get any major breakouts but any small (or large) pimple is completely healed by the next day. This literally flushes ALL of my pores.

In the end, I'd just say use whatever cleanser (GENTLE cleanser) works for you. (oil free and soap free)

Make this mask (with Apple Cider Vinegar-- i forgot to mention.. very important. use apple cider vinegar)

Leave it on for 15-20 mins or 30.. depending on your skin.

Use witch hazel with cotton pads (trust me on this) gently wipe skin with it

Moisturize with whatever moisturizer works for you (oil-free)

Try this regimen for a month and if you don't see major improvements, email me or contact me somehow and you can vent to me about your situation, but I promise this will work for ANY skin type because again it's completely natural there are no chemicals.. besides your cleanser and moisturizer, but that's why I advise using a quality, gentle cleanser. no drugstore brands please. they ruin your skin. go to or and do some research on a gentle cleanser.

On a final note, for some of you applying the mask every night may be too harsh. I'd say aim for 3 times every 7 days. I don't know how to end this.. I've been ranting for well over 10 minutes now, but clearly the reader can tell that I'm venting about this success story. I want to share it with the world. If you find this useful, please like the button that says you found it useful. Whether you have sever acne, moderate acne, or you're a well skinned jessica alba-type person, you can and will benefit from this. You are all beautiful .. EVERYONE is. but sometimes this crappy acne hides that true beauty. Again, don't be ashamed or embarrassed. It's something we can't control. Until now. With this mask, you can control it. PLEASE TRY THIS AND LET ME KNOW. I AM SO CURIOUS ABOUT OTHERS' success stories from this product! If you have any questions or comments just reply a comment to this review, I will check periodically.

Like I said, my face is not clear JUST yet. My face still shows signs of moderate acne. That won't go in a few weeks. That's physically impossible. But I will keep you all posted and touch base in a few months! Good luck to you all and God bless! Try my regimen and see for yourself!

Excuse me while I go out and enjoy this beautiful day and not let acne ruin my life :)

****UPDATE May 29, 2014****

Hello again peeps. I'm excited to say this is a GREAT positive update. I'll keep it short and sweet since my review itself is a novel...

I wrote the review a little over a month ago, and if you read my entire review and understood the whole acne minor/moderate/sever stage level thing, let me just proudly say that I am now a Moderate Level 1 and haven't had any severe or crazy breakouts at all! I used to be Moderate Level 3/Severe 1 as I mentioned. My forehead is completely spotless, my nose is spotless, my chin is spotless. The only two areas are my cheeks which as I mentioned were pretty bad from all the years of acne prior. I deal with hyperpigmentation (not scarring, but post red acne marks that linger for months), and this mask is seriously seriously even healing and brightening/lightening my hyperpigementation. All my red marks have reduced by shades of about 15 to 20% I'd say. This is such an exciting product. I also want to add that because I'm a DJ, I travel quite a bit and recently I was in New York for about a week and didn't get to use the mask at all. The entire week in new york I didn't use this mask and I didn't break out ONCE! This product clearly keeps acne/pimples at bay. I think by July as I mentioned, I should be significantly clearer.. which I cannot wait to see! Also, I should add that I just purchased a 20% Vitamin C Serum that I came across on Amazon (link below) and it has seriously great reviews and helps with brightening and moisturizing etc. I will be applying it every night as well pre-moisturizer. Good luck and I hope you all are seeing great results!

Vitamin C Serum - Antioxidant Treatment - Natural & Organic - Incl. Organic Rosehip Oil & Sea Buckthorn Oil - Brightening Serum - Rapid Absorption - Reduce Sun Spots and Wrinkles - Exclusive to Amazon - 1.18oz

Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

BESTOPE 10 Pcs Premium Synthetic Kabuki Makeup Brush Set Cosmetics Foundation Blending Blush Eyeliner Face Powder Brush Makeup Brush Kit

BESTOPE 10 Pcs Premium Synthetic Kabuki Makeup Brush Set Cosmetics Foundation Blending Blush Eyeliner Face Powder Brush Makeup Brush Kit




These brushes are great! I highly recommend. I can afford the expensive stuff, but I'm not about the name, I buy for the quality.

Don't soak in any liquid, this breaks the bonding agent. Use olive oil to loosen the build-up, and rinse out with lukewarm water and soap to the fibers only.

Senin, 23 Juni 2014

GLAMGLOW Super-MudTM Clearing Treatment 1.2 oz

GLAMGLOW Super-MudTM Clearing Treatment 1.2 oz




I saw both good reviews on Amazon as well as Sephora but this product was cheaper on Amazon (about $10 cheaper).

You can actually see the mask picking up the oil from your pores. As it says on the packaging "Pore-Matrix will reveal dots of vacuum extractions, absorption & encapsulation of sebum oils, bacteria & toxins." SO TRUE! All along my t-zone area, which is the oiliest on my face, there were lighter dots where the oil was being sucked up. As time went on, the dots became larger, which showed the mask was doing it's job.

After washing off the mask, my skin was super clean and soft. I applied my usual moisturizer and usually my face becomes super shiny after an hour but after using this product, my face was not super shiny.

Highly recommend and I will be purchasing again when I run out. The size of the product is a lot smaller than I imagined but if you use sparingly, it should lasts a while.

Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

Dr. Hauschka Day Cream Light, Rose, 1.0-Ounce Box

Dr. Hauschka Day Cream Light, Rose, 1.0-Ounce Box




I've been using this cream for a few years now, and I am very happy with it. I have a combination skin, so some creams that worked well for the drier parts were too greasy for the oilier parts of my face. I also had to reapply creams multiple times during the day in winter season on the dry patches on my cheeks. Not with Dr. Hauschka! It is universal for the whole face, and I only apply it twice a day (in the evening and in the morning). My skin has become much more balanced since I started using it. The regular Dr. Hauschka Day Rose Cream was a bit too heavy/oily for me, but the light version is just what I needed! Would definitely recommend this product.

Dr. Hauschka Day Cream, Rose, 1.0-Ounce Box

Dr. Hauschka Day Cream, Rose, 1.0-Ounce Box




Wonderful smell. Makes my skin feel silky soft. My only regret is that when it's hot and humid in the summer, it's a bit too heavy (though I used it year round when living out west in a desert climate). It's worth every penny.

Dr. Hauschka Day Cream, Rose, 1.0-Ounce Box

Dr. Hauschka Day Cream, Rose, 1.0-Ounce Box




Wonderful smell. Makes my skin feel silky soft. My only regret is that when it's hot and humid in the summer, it's a bit too heavy (though I used it year round when living out west in a desert climate). It's worth every penny.

Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Coastal Scents 28 Color Eyeshadow Palette, Neutral

Coastal Scents 28 Color Eyeshadow Palette, Neutral




I received this palette about 2 weeks ago - have used it each time I do a makeup application. I absolutely adore the colors!! I am a woman of color and a professional makeup artist, and not only are these eyeshadows well pigmented but they are very blendable as well. They show up on ALL SHADES OF SKIN COLOR. They are not at all chalky and last a long time. Please do yourself a favor and do not get caught up in the "big name" lines (i.e: MAC,NARS,etc.). Makeup is makeup is makeup. Don't be afraid to try different lines. As an artist I have learned that many cosmetic lines offer great products. Take the time to find them, and start with this one!! :-) I actually used this palette for a wedding and the bride turned out gorgeous! If you are looking for a bang for your buck this is the palette for you. You will get so much use out of it. JUST BUY IT!!!

Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Moisturizer, 10-Fluid Ounces

Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Moisturizer, 10-Fluid Ounces




I've suffered from eczema since I was born. Never in my life have I found a lotion that moisturizes like Cetaphil Restoraderm. Trust me, I have tried even the most hard to find lotions and cream. This is only one in 5 products that the NEA have suggested for use on sensitive eczema skin. And it's worth the price. Yes, in the beginning, it feels a little light, but after 3 weeks of use, my skin does not have the dryness and inflammation that occurs with every other over the counter product I've tried. Normally, each week I have to use a steroid ointment to settle my skin from the past week. Not so with this product. Every time you switch products, the body needs to re-adjust to the new ingredients. I wish Cetaphil made something like this for the face.

Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Moisturizer, 10-Fluid Ounces

Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Moisturizer, 10-Fluid Ounces




I've suffered from eczema since I was born. Never in my life have I found a lotion that moisturizes like Cetaphil Restoraderm. Trust me, I have tried even the most hard to find lotions and cream. This is only one in 5 products that the NEA have suggested for use on sensitive eczema skin. And it's worth the price. Yes, in the beginning, it feels a little light, but after 3 weeks of use, my skin does not have the dryness and inflammation that occurs with every other over the counter product I've tried. Normally, each week I have to use a steroid ointment to settle my skin from the past week. Not so with this product. Every time you switch products, the body needs to re-adjust to the new ingredients. I wish Cetaphil made something like this for the face.

Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

Start here 30Pcs Mixed Colors Rolls Striping Tape Line Nail Art Tips Decoration Sticker

Start here 30Pcs Mixed Colors Rolls Striping Tape Line Nail Art Tips Decoration Sticker




great value...super fast shipping...lots of colors to choose from...definitely recommend for anyone looking for some cool, nail art supplies. Great for someone starting out their collection of nail art supplies.

Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Thayers - Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Alcohol-Free Toner - 12 oz.

Thayers - Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Alcohol-Free Toner - 12 oz.




I found this when I was searching for just the right natural pre-wedding skin care routine last year. Of course, I wanted my skin to be healthy and glowing on my wedding day so I did lots of research to find my ideal routine. After some trial and error, I came up with the following products:

1) Dr. Woods Pure Black Soap - use to wash face twice daily

2) Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel - use as toner twice daily

3) Burts Bees Radiance Day Lotion with SPF 15 - use in the a.m.

4) Desert Essence 100% Natural Jojoba Oil - use as moisturizer before bed

5) St. Ives Apricot Scrub Blemish & Blackhead Control - use to gently exfoliate twice a week

6) Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask - use after exfoliating once a week in acne-prone areas only

This combination of products really has given me the best skin of my life. I did get a zit on the day before my wedding, but that was from stress and I don't believe that any products I used could have avoided that. It wasn't huge though so I easily covered it with makeup. Other than that one zit though, my skin looked very nice. Also, after the wedding, I started skimping on my routine and did begin breaking out much more often and lost that healthy glow. Once I started back up with religiously following my routine, my skin is very smooth and nice again.

I love that the Thayers Witch Hazel is credited for providing younger-looking skin. I am only 24 so I can't speak to that, but love knowing that something I use twice everyday is likely going to slow the aging process of my skin.

Thayers - Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Alcohol-Free Toner - 12 oz.

Thayers - Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Alcohol-Free Toner - 12 oz.




I found this when I was searching for just the right natural pre-wedding skin care routine last year. Of course, I wanted my skin to be healthy and glowing on my wedding day so I did lots of research to find my ideal routine. After some trial and error, I came up with the following products:

1) Dr. Woods Pure Black Soap - use to wash face twice daily

2) Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel - use as toner twice daily

3) Burts Bees Radiance Day Lotion with SPF 15 - use in the a.m.

4) Desert Essence 100% Natural Jojoba Oil - use as moisturizer before bed

5) St. Ives Apricot Scrub Blemish & Blackhead Control - use to gently exfoliate twice a week

6) Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask - use after exfoliating once a week in acne-prone areas only

This combination of products really has given me the best skin of my life. I did get a zit on the day before my wedding, but that was from stress and I don't believe that any products I used could have avoided that. It wasn't huge though so I easily covered it with makeup. Other than that one zit though, my skin looked very nice. Also, after the wedding, I started skimping on my routine and did begin breaking out much more often and lost that healthy glow. Once I started back up with religiously following my routine, my skin is very smooth and nice again.

I love that the Thayers Witch Hazel is credited for providing younger-looking skin. I am only 24 so I can't speak to that, but love knowing that something I use twice everyday is likely going to slow the aging process of my skin.

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, 12 Ounce

CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, 12 Ounce




This is an amazing product. When used daily, it helps exfoliate my skin, keeping it clean and radiant looking. I have found that combining this cleansing system with Renuvaderm - The Most Complete Anti-Aging Skin Supplement! and RenuvaDerm - Anti-Aging Skin Serum! I get dramatic results. My skin is not only clean and fresh, fine lines and wrinkles are significantly reduced making me feel like a look 10 years younger. Highly recommended!

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Leg Makeup for Fair Skin Tones -- 4.4 fl oz

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Leg Makeup for Fair Skin Tones -- 4.4 fl oz




-I am a light skinned hispanic and I am closer to neutral tones. Sometimes my legs look down right pasty, sometimes I have a tan, (occasionally from the sun, usually from sunless tanning sprays) so my color changes and I've also noticed my arms are always darker than my legs. (I am sure this is normal, I hope this is normal..)

-In my opinion, all three offer great coverage. Given the limited amount of product shades available versus the abundance of different skin colors that vary from person to person, and even vary in one individual due to sun exposure or tanning products, its a safe bet that most will not find their perfect color in one bottle. If you want the closest match, you will have to do some color mixing.



-Very little to no transfer:


-Color doesn't seem natural to me. Too pink.


-If it wasn't for the color issue, it would be my favorite.


-They offer three colors. Listed from light to dark: Natural, Terra Cotta and Bronze.

-I've used all three. Colors seem to have more of a pinkish tone, this is great if you have cool coloring. Right now the natural is the closest of these that match and its a little too dark, just a tad, but when blended in, its not THAT obvious. When I am darker, I mix the terra cotta in a little. Its harder to mix because it dries faster (like the Nyce Instant Nylons) so you have to work fast.

-Their colors are my least favorite, they just don't look natural on me. The Natural shade by itself makes my legs look pink from afar and the shade is too different from the color of my arms.


-Says to spray on legs then use your hands to blend it in and they advise you let set for 1-2 minutes. I guess it has the potential to rub off in that time. Regardless of how long it takes to "set", it dries pretty fast and to mix the colors you have to work fast.


-Beats the Sally Hansen hands down. I've sat on black leather seats on a hot day, resulting in my legs sweating and saw no transfer. Downright impressive.

Sally Hansen Airbrush Leg Light Glow :


-Nice colors (a little on yellow side)

-Of the three, offer best color selection (5 shades vs. 3)

-Easy to mix colors.

-Easy application.


-Color transfer, of the three the most easily rubbed off.


-Nice colors but don't like that it transfers so easily. I used it for a long time but after trying the Nyce and Airstockings, my expectations have been raised.


-They have five colors. Listed from light to dark: Nude Glow, Light Glow, Medium Glow, Tan Glow and Deep Glow.

-Ive used their Nude Glow, Light Glow and even Medium Glow depending on the color of my legs. Right now, being winter, my legs are pretty white and the closest match is the Nude Glow. The Light Glow is too dark and looks too orange on my skin. When my legs are tanner, I've mixed the Nude Glow with the Light Glow and even the Light Glow with the Medium Glow but I am rarely that tan.

-I prefer the colors of the Sally Hansen because they seem more natural, although a tad more on the yellow/orange side, and they have a better color selection. More colors, better odds of finding one that matches your skin color without mixing.


-Directions say to spray on hands, then apply to legs and blend, then let set 60 seconds. I've done it both ways. Sprayed on hands, sprayed on legs. I end up blending the color on my legs either way so the results are the same but I guess there is less product getting everywhere if you do it directly on hands. This brand has been the easiest to mix colors with.


-This isn't as good as the other two when it comes to transfer. It doesn't all rub off like makeup but, of the three, it rubs off the most and if you are sitting in your car on a hot day or just by sliding out, you will see some on your car seat...and your clothes. If you have black leather seats, sit on a towel or something you don't mind getting dirty....

Nyce Legs Spray On Instant Nylons Nail Treatment Products


-Little to no transfer:

-Neutral colors (It leans towards yellowish but, to me, more of an in between of the Airstockings pink tones and Sally Hansen yellow tones)


-Bottles clog.

-Dries very fast.


-if it wasn't for the clogged bottle issue, it would be my favorite.


-Offers three colors as well. Listed from light to dark: Nude, Medium Beige and Dark Beige.

-I've tried the Nude and Medium Beige. Right now I use the nude and this is pretty close to my skin tone. I find that its not too orange and not too pink, it sits somewhere in the middle. When I am darker, I mix it in with the Medium Beige. This brand is harder to mix colors because of the fast dry time.


-Says to spray on legs and dries in 10 seconds (sounds about right..). This is what makes it harder to mix, you have to work fast (faster than 10 seconds....)

-The one thing I did not like was that the three bottles i've purchased have clogged at one point or another before I was finished with them. Two I managed to salvage. Once they clogged the first time, it became a repetitive issue, I keep having to clean the caps. I do this by dunking them in a mixture of water and facial cleanser, let it soak then use an old toothbrush to brush it clean. (I just got an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner so I am going to try dunking it in that next.) Sometimes i have to clean it during application which is very inconvenient, especially when I am mixing colors.


-Comparable to Airstockings, I saw little to no transfer.


-Mixing Nyce and Airstockings still gives a nice color with very little to no transfer.

-Mixing the Airstockings with Sally Hansen gives the nicest color (for me) and yields less transfer but there is still transfer nonetheless so I avoid using but when I am out of the either the Airstockings or Nyce, I will and just be more careful with transfer.

-I usually do a 50/50 mix just because its easier to spray them on my legs at the same time and can get consistent color through out, then blend them in quickly.


-Overall, I prefer to use the Airstockings and Nyce Instant Nylons to get the color I want, its a happy medium for me. If you find airstockings to pink, neutralize it, lighten or darken it with Nyce colors. If you find Nyce Colors too yellow, neutralize, lighten or darken with Airstockings and you, too, will find your happy medium. Although the lack of transfer is impressive, I'd still be wary and wouldn't push my luck. I have had some rub off on clothes but not sure if its because I didn't give it enough time to dry. Because I mixed them, I can't pin point which one it was. I have all the colors I mentioned I've tried except for the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Nude Glow, if I figure out how to add a picture, I'll add a picture of a sample of each on my leg to see the color differences.

Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Mederma Cream with SPF 30, 20 Grams

Mederma Cream with SPF 30, 20 Grams




purchased for my wife to use on minor scar from carpo tunnel operation. Excellent price compared to drug stores. Product reduces the scar, but does not completely eliminate it.