Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Leg Makeup for Fair Skin Tones -- 4.4 fl oz

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Leg Makeup for Fair Skin Tones -- 4.4 fl oz




-I am a light skinned hispanic and I am closer to neutral tones. Sometimes my legs look down right pasty, sometimes I have a tan, (occasionally from the sun, usually from sunless tanning sprays) so my color changes and I've also noticed my arms are always darker than my legs. (I am sure this is normal, I hope this is normal..)

-In my opinion, all three offer great coverage. Given the limited amount of product shades available versus the abundance of different skin colors that vary from person to person, and even vary in one individual due to sun exposure or tanning products, its a safe bet that most will not find their perfect color in one bottle. If you want the closest match, you will have to do some color mixing.



-Very little to no transfer:


-Color doesn't seem natural to me. Too pink.


-If it wasn't for the color issue, it would be my favorite.


-They offer three colors. Listed from light to dark: Natural, Terra Cotta and Bronze.

-I've used all three. Colors seem to have more of a pinkish tone, this is great if you have cool coloring. Right now the natural is the closest of these that match and its a little too dark, just a tad, but when blended in, its not THAT obvious. When I am darker, I mix the terra cotta in a little. Its harder to mix because it dries faster (like the Nyce Instant Nylons) so you have to work fast.

-Their colors are my least favorite, they just don't look natural on me. The Natural shade by itself makes my legs look pink from afar and the shade is too different from the color of my arms.


-Says to spray on legs then use your hands to blend it in and they advise you let set for 1-2 minutes. I guess it has the potential to rub off in that time. Regardless of how long it takes to "set", it dries pretty fast and to mix the colors you have to work fast.


-Beats the Sally Hansen hands down. I've sat on black leather seats on a hot day, resulting in my legs sweating and saw no transfer. Downright impressive.

Sally Hansen Airbrush Leg Light Glow :


-Nice colors (a little on yellow side)

-Of the three, offer best color selection (5 shades vs. 3)

-Easy to mix colors.

-Easy application.


-Color transfer, of the three the most easily rubbed off.


-Nice colors but don't like that it transfers so easily. I used it for a long time but after trying the Nyce and Airstockings, my expectations have been raised.


-They have five colors. Listed from light to dark: Nude Glow, Light Glow, Medium Glow, Tan Glow and Deep Glow.

-Ive used their Nude Glow, Light Glow and even Medium Glow depending on the color of my legs. Right now, being winter, my legs are pretty white and the closest match is the Nude Glow. The Light Glow is too dark and looks too orange on my skin. When my legs are tanner, I've mixed the Nude Glow with the Light Glow and even the Light Glow with the Medium Glow but I am rarely that tan.

-I prefer the colors of the Sally Hansen because they seem more natural, although a tad more on the yellow/orange side, and they have a better color selection. More colors, better odds of finding one that matches your skin color without mixing.


-Directions say to spray on hands, then apply to legs and blend, then let set 60 seconds. I've done it both ways. Sprayed on hands, sprayed on legs. I end up blending the color on my legs either way so the results are the same but I guess there is less product getting everywhere if you do it directly on hands. This brand has been the easiest to mix colors with.


-This isn't as good as the other two when it comes to transfer. It doesn't all rub off like makeup but, of the three, it rubs off the most and if you are sitting in your car on a hot day or just by sliding out, you will see some on your car seat...and your clothes. If you have black leather seats, sit on a towel or something you don't mind getting dirty....

Nyce Legs Spray On Instant Nylons Nail Treatment Products


-Little to no transfer:

-Neutral colors (It leans towards yellowish but, to me, more of an in between of the Airstockings pink tones and Sally Hansen yellow tones)


-Bottles clog.

-Dries very fast.


-if it wasn't for the clogged bottle issue, it would be my favorite.


-Offers three colors as well. Listed from light to dark: Nude, Medium Beige and Dark Beige.

-I've tried the Nude and Medium Beige. Right now I use the nude and this is pretty close to my skin tone. I find that its not too orange and not too pink, it sits somewhere in the middle. When I am darker, I mix it in with the Medium Beige. This brand is harder to mix colors because of the fast dry time.


-Says to spray on legs and dries in 10 seconds (sounds about right..). This is what makes it harder to mix, you have to work fast (faster than 10 seconds....)

-The one thing I did not like was that the three bottles i've purchased have clogged at one point or another before I was finished with them. Two I managed to salvage. Once they clogged the first time, it became a repetitive issue, I keep having to clean the caps. I do this by dunking them in a mixture of water and facial cleanser, let it soak then use an old toothbrush to brush it clean. (I just got an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner so I am going to try dunking it in that next.) Sometimes i have to clean it during application which is very inconvenient, especially when I am mixing colors.


-Comparable to Airstockings, I saw little to no transfer.


-Mixing Nyce and Airstockings still gives a nice color with very little to no transfer.

-Mixing the Airstockings with Sally Hansen gives the nicest color (for me) and yields less transfer but there is still transfer nonetheless so I avoid using but when I am out of the either the Airstockings or Nyce, I will and just be more careful with transfer.

-I usually do a 50/50 mix just because its easier to spray them on my legs at the same time and can get consistent color through out, then blend them in quickly.


-Overall, I prefer to use the Airstockings and Nyce Instant Nylons to get the color I want, its a happy medium for me. If you find airstockings to pink, neutralize it, lighten or darken it with Nyce colors. If you find Nyce Colors too yellow, neutralize, lighten or darken with Airstockings and you, too, will find your happy medium. Although the lack of transfer is impressive, I'd still be wary and wouldn't push my luck. I have had some rub off on clothes but not sure if its because I didn't give it enough time to dry. Because I mixed them, I can't pin point which one it was. I have all the colors I mentioned I've tried except for the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Nude Glow, if I figure out how to add a picture, I'll add a picture of a sample of each on my leg to see the color differences.

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