Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

GLAMGLOW Youthmud Tinglexfoliate Treatment, 1.7 fl. oz.

GLAMGLOW Youthmud Tinglexfoliate Treatment, 1.7 fl. oz.




GlamGlow really pushes that it's a staple amongst celebrities, since celebrities MUST be beauty geniuses to look that good on a magazine cover (Photoshop, wha? Makeup artist, who?). The jar, shiny and black in all its glory reminds me of those tinted SUVs with their shiny, spinning hubcaps cruising Sunset Blvd on a Friday night. If you love yourself some Hollywoodland, then packaging alone could fake bake your mind into thinking you'll achieve Katy Perrydom after using this mask.

When reality sets in, this is what will happen:

1. As you apply it to your face, you'll notice it doesn't spread easily because there are chunks of tea leaves in it. Yes, that's weird to have pieces of leaves stuck to your face, but so is plastering your face in green mud. You get over it. The smell is potently fragrant. This too, you will get over.

2. As the mask dries on your skin, it will feel like a green cement casing that gradually turns whiter as it dries. Fielding calls is a problem, texting is not.

3. When it's time to rinse, the mask will fall off in pieces and residually feel grainy. Graininess=exfoilation for your sad, dead skin.

4. You'll emerge with an au natural glow ala Carey Mulligan, if you really need a celebrity comparison. Yes, pores look nearly invisible. Yes, your skin will feel refreshed and soft. No, it won't last for more than a day or two.

The result is the way you wish your skin would greet you every morning if you lived somewhere with perfect air and weather conditions.

ONE main con: Despite it's shiny, shiny packaging, it's a small, small jar. Dare I say, a Clarisonic will give you similar results and will be a better investment in the long-run.

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